API PO Packing Structure

The information present in your Purchase Orders (POs) is extremely important. POs are the basic objects Inspectorio relies upon to drive bookings, assignments, inspections, and reports.

PO Information Hierarchy

PO data follows a specific hierarchy. Proper understanding of this information hierarchy will help you better interact with our API to create and update POs. Please find the exact breakdown of the hierarchy in our References page in the “PURCHASE ORDER” section.

PO Packing Structure

Our Purchase Order resource contains packing information, which is organized by style. A style contains one or more items, and each item is defined as having a unique combination of size and color within a style. The packing information represents how the physical items will be organized. This is vital for the inspection process, because the system uses this information for generating sampling instructions for inspectors.

In Inspectorio, items can be packed in either of two ways:

  • Solid = A carton containing all the same item
    • Each carton within solids contains one itemId
      "solids": [
            "brandId": "abc",
            "cartonQuantity": 1,
            "casePackQuantity": 1,
            "color": "RED",
            "itemId": "123",
            "quantity": 1,
            "size": "M"
  • Assortment = A carton containing one or more different items
    • Each carton within assortments contains multiple items, each with an itemId
    • Each assortment has its own assortmentId identifier
      "assortments": [
            "assortmentId": "a987",
            "cartonQuantity": 1,
            "items": [
                    "brandId": "abc",
                    "color": "RED",
                    "configuration": 1,
                    "itemId": "123",
                    "size": "M"

A PO can contain any combination of solids and assortments.