
Please find here all of the latest announcements regarding modifications and improvements made to our Inspectorio data integration services. Should you have any questions, we encourage you to reach out to [email protected].

Purchase Order Association APIs - Post, Get, Delete purchase order associations

Apr 2nd, 2024

Link parent and child POs to efficiently manage relationships between master and split POs.

As master POs may sometimes be split into smaller POs for distribution to different locations, the Purchase Order Association APIs enable organizations to link the master PO and split POs to leverage the POs’ association in the T&A, as well as manage PO associations by retrieving and deleting PO association data.

For more details, refer to the Purchase Order Association APIs specification.

Purchase Order APIs - “styleName” field is now available

Jan 15th, 2024

Generate POs and retrieve PO data for integration with your internal systems using the new styleName field. Initially, the styleName data point could only be generated through manual input or file import. Inspectorio system now supports this field in the existing Purchase Order API integration to facilitate the display of meaningful names corresponding to style IDs.

For more details, refer to the Purchase Orders APIs specification.

Purchase Order APIs and File Transfer/Import - “eventName” field is now available

Oct 2nd, 2023

To provide additional information about POs, Inspectorio system now supports the eventName attribute on the PO level, which stores the reference data of items included in the PO, such as the year, cycle, department code, and department name. A new column called PO_EventName was also added to our Purchase Order file template as an optional field. It will show as the “Event Name” column on the PO Management page. This new attribute can be leveraged to store other optional information.

For more details, refer to the Purchase Orders APIs specification.

Purchase Orders APIs - “shipmentTerm” field is now available for items

Oct 2nd, 2023

Inspectorio system now supports the shipmentTerm field on the item level, which stores the reference data about the shipment term for each item included in the PO. Vendors can refer to the shipment term to create POs with correct items and quantities. The shipmentTerm attribute is an optional field, which can be leveraged to store other optional information.

For more details, refer to the Purchase Orders APIs specification.

GET Production Status API – Retrieve the latest production status of the T&A

Jun 15th, 2023

To stay updated on the current production status of your T&As and effectively plan shipment activities, you have the option to obtain the production status of T&As on the item or PO level via API. By retrieving the latest production status via API, you can use the similar JSON structure to continue updating the production status or to sync up with your internal system. This seamless API integration facilitates a comprehensive workflow, minimizing the need for manual tasks and guaranteeing consistent and reliable data.

For more details, refer to the Time and Actions API specification.

Purchase Order APIs & File Transfer/Import - clientCreatedDate field is added now!

Jun 5th, 2023

Though it’s possible to create purchase orders directly from Inspectorio system, most of the cases customers have purchase orders created from their systems then synced to Inspectorio’s. The creation date refers to a date when purchase orders are written at customers’systems; and some customers use that date to calculate actual order lead time for their analysis. For this purpose, we introduced a new field clientCreatedDate in PO APIs as well as added a new column PO_ClientCreatedDate to our Purchase Order file template as an optional field.

For more details about the new field, please refer to the Purchase Order APIs specification.

For more information about the new column, please refer to the Specification in the PDF link.

PUT Time and Actions API - Update Milestone API is now available!

Jun 2nd, 2023

From now on, you can update multiple milestones (either production or process) in the same T&A via API, besides available options of file upload and bulk update button. Saving your time and reducing your workload while ensuring the data consistency; all can be achieved by leveraging this new API to integrate your internal system with Tracking.

For more details, please refer to the Time and Actions API specification.

Measurement Chart File Transfer/Import - New “Set_Id” and “Source” columns are added!

Apr 25th, 2023

To keep the consistency between the Inspectorio Integration API & File Transfer/File Import, we have added the new Set_Id and Source columns to our Measurement Chart file template. These are optional text fields.

For more information about these new fields, please refer to the Specification in the PDF link.

Assignment, Booking, Report APIs - New “isPomCritical” field is added now!

Apr 25th, 2023

From now on, you can get the information whether a POM (Point of Measurement) is critical or not via the Assignment, Booking, Report APIs. There is isPomCritical boolean optional field in the GET and LIST methods. (Please contact your Account Manager if you want more details about the critical POM feature on the Sight platform).

For more information, please refer to the Assignment APIs (specification here), Booking APIs (specification here), Report APIs (specification here).

PUT Time and Actions API - Update Production Status API of T&A is now available!

Apr 10th, 2023

From now on, you can update the production status of multiple milestones via API. Each T&A tracks milestones of two types: process or production. For the latter, it requires you to not only track actual dates but also the production output, either by item level or PO level. Instead of starting the milestone manually and then uploading Excel file to update production status, you are now able to get both tasks done at once via API.

For more details, please refer to the Time and Actions API specification.

Factory Risk Profile APIs- Factory Name, Country Code, Office and Local Country Code Fields are removed!

Feb 10th, 2023

The fields name, country, offices in factoryInformation and localCountry in localInformation, are removed from List Factory Risk Profiles and Get Factory Risk Profile API as these information are optional and they do not inform if there is any change in their values.

For more details about this change, please refer to the response body of the List Factory Risk Profiles API (specification here) and Get Factory Risk Profile API (specification here).

Purchase Order File Transfer/Import - New “PO_Status” and “PO_Source” columns are added!

Dec 13th, 2022

To keep the consistency between the Inspectorio Integration API & File Transfer/File Import, we have added the new PO_Status and PO_Source columns to our Purchase Order file template. These are optional fields. Customers can send only canceled value for now to the PO_Status field. In the PO_Source field any string value is allowed.

For more information about these new columns, please refer to the Specification in the PDF link.

Assignment and Booking APIs - toleranceUpper and toleranceLower fields are available now!

Dec 9th, 2022

Before there were no data from toleranceUpper and toleranceLower fields available via Assignment and Booking APIs. But currently customers also can get the information about accepted upper and lower limits between the expected measure (standard) and the actual measure using API integration.

For more details about toleranceUpper and toleranceLower fields, please refer to the Assignment APIs (specification here) and Booking APIs (specification here).

Assignment, Booking, Report APIs - Get your Local Custom ID in the response body!

Dec 7th, 2022

*Local Custom ID: This is the Organization ID of the Factory/Supplier/Brand/Retailer/Agency from your system. To integrate your organization into the Inspectorio system, you must create it in our system and link it with a corresponding Inspectorio organization. After that, you will see your Organization ID in the Inspection/Report/Time & Action on the Sight platform.

In the past, the Local Custom ID did not show on the Get Assignment, Booking, Report APIs, and our customers could not integrate it into their systems. To resolve this issue, we have exposed the Local Custom ID (selected when creating Inspection on the Sight platform) in this API.

For more details about this change, please refer to the response body of the Assignment (specification here), Booking (specification here), Report APIs (specification here).

GET Time and Actions API - Retrieve Late reason codes for milestones to your system!

Dec 5th, 2022

Late reason code for milestones feature was developed on Tracking platform but was not available via API. Recently, these data also have been added to GET Time and Actions API so that our customers can get it to their internal systems.

Late reason code for milestones feature includes the Primary and Secondary (if exists) reason codes for milestones in T&A as well as reason set name. The data is available in the milestones object under shipmentPlanDelay.

For more details about new fields, please refer to the Time and Actions API specification.

Purchase Order APIs - poSource field is added now!

Dec 2nd, 2022

Some customers need to specify the source of materials for purchase order whether they are produced by domestic vendors or imported from vendors outside the country. For this purpose we introduced a new field poSource. Now customers can also distinguish among these two types to see the performance and other statistics of POs.

For more details about this new field, please refer to the Purchase Order APIs specification.

GET Time and Actions API - Completion date of T&A is now available!

Nov 17th, 2022

Now you can get even more attributes of a T&A. Field completionDate was added to the GET Time and Actions API. The functionality of completing the T&A has been already available on Tracking platform since its launch. Currently, after T&A completion on Tracking platform you will be able to get it via API. With this data you can track various metrics of a T&A in your systems to make better decisions in the future.

For more details about a new field, please refer to the Time and Actions API specification.

Measurement Chart APIs - Get your Local Custom ID in the response body now!

Nov 14th, 2022

*Local Custom ID: This is the Organization ID of the Factory/Supplier/Brand/Retailer/Agency from your system. To integrate your organization into the Inspectorio system, you must create it in our system and link it with a corresponding Inspectorio organization. After that, you will see your Organization ID in the Inspection/Report/Time & Action on the Sight platform.

In the past, the Local Custom ID did not show on the Get Measurement Chart API, and our customers could not integrate it into their systems. To resolve this issue, we have exposed the Local Custom ID (inputted in the Create & Update Measurement Chart APIs) in this API.

For more details about this change, please refer to the response body of the Measurement Charts APIs (Specification here).

Measurement Chart File Transfer/Import - New “Is_POM_Critical” field is added!

Nov 14th, 2022

We have released the isPomCritical field in the Measurement Chart APIs in the announcement on Sep 26th, 2022. To keep the consistency between the Inspectorio Integration API & File Transfer/File Import, we have added the new Is_POM_Critical field to our Measurement Chart file template. This is an optional field with 2 values (case-insensitive): True and False.

For more information about this new field, please refer to the Transfer Measurement Charts section on the Specification in the PDF link.

Purchase Order APIs - The PO Status field is added now!

Nov 7th, 2022

Currently, some customers face the problem when they want to delete the obsoleted POs in the Inspectorio system. However, they cannot do it because those POs were used in some Completed inspections. This confuses the users as they may have created T&A for canceled POs, and additional support effort is needed to guide Supplier/Vendors.

To resolve this problem, we have added a new String field poStatus (optional, case-insensitive in the request) in the Purchase Order APIs.

For more details about this new field and its value, please refer to the Purchase Order API’s specification.

Factory Risk Profile APIs - Restructure and expose new fields for Local Organization information!

Nov 3rd, 2022

To support our customers in retrieving their Local Country in the Factory Risk Profile APIs, we have exposed this field in both Get & List Factory Risk Profile APIs.

In the List Factory Risk Profiles API, we restructured the localIds array under the factoryInformation object into localInformation array with 2 child String fields as below. And these 2 fields are also exposed in the Get Factory Risk Profile API under the factoryInformation object:

  • localCountry: The international country code (2-letter) of the Local Factory
  • localOrganizationId: Local Custom ID of the Factory

For more details about these changes, please refer to the Factory Risk Profile API’s specification.

Get Factory Risk Profile API - Change “reason” field into “reasonType” and “reasonCode”!

Nov 1st, 2022

To keep the data clean, and allow our customers to use this data for insights & analytics confidently, we have separated the reason field into 2 new String fields reasonType and reasonCode under the labelData field.

There is no change in the business logic of the returned data. If the label is Manual, these fields will have the corresponding value. If the label is Auto, these fields will return a null value.

For more details about these new fields, please refer to the Get Factory Risk Profile API’s specification.

List Factory Risk Profiles API - Make field names in the factory information consistent with other APIs!

Oct 20th, 2022

To ensure the consistency of field names between Integration APIs, we have updated some field names under the factoryInformation object as below:

  • The field name id is updated into organizationId (no change in the business logic).
  • The field name factoryName is updated into name (no change in the business logic).
  • The field name countryName is updated into country. The returned value will be the international country code 2-letter, uppercase (E.g., VN, US, CN, etc.).

For more details about this change, please refer to the List Factory Risk Profiles API’s specification.

Integration Center page - Metadata logs are now shown on this page!

Oct 13th, 2022

To help our customers can see the successful and failed integrated data from the Metadata APIs, we have now shown the logs of the Create, Update, and Delete Metadata APIs on the Integration Center page.

You can choose the option Metadata in the Resource filter to see the logs for the integrated Metadata only. Integration_Center_MetadataLogs

Measurement Chart APIs - A new Critical POM field is added now!

Sep 26th, 2022

From now on, you can define a POM (Point of Measurement) is critical or not via the Measurement Chart APIs using the isPomCritical Boolean field (optional). And you can filter your POMs on the Sight platform with this new data on the Inspection Details page (Please contact your Account Manager if you want more details about this feature on the Sight platform).

For more information, please refer to the Measurement Chart API’s specification.

Get Factory Risk Profile API - The factory information is available now!

Sep 23rd, 2022

In other Inspectorio Integration APIs (like Report, Assignment, etc.), we always have the organization information (factory, supplier, etc.) in both the Get & List APIs. But we only have the Factory information in the List Factory Risk Profiles API now, not the Get API. To support our customers in retrieving this information from the Get Factory Risk Profile API, we have added a new factoryInformation object to this API.

For more details about this change, please refer to the Get Factory Risk Profile API’s specification.

Get Time and Action API - Get your Local Custom ID in the response body now!

Sep 16th, 2022

*Local Custom ID: This is the Organization ID of the Factory/Supplier/Brand/Retailer/Agency from your system. To integrate your organization into the Inspectorio system, you must create it in our system and link it with a corresponding Inspectorio organization. After that, you will see your Organization ID in the Inspection/Report/Time & Action on the Sight platform. For more details, please contact your Account Manager in Inspectorio.

In the past, the Local Custom ID did not show on the Get Time and Action API, and our customers could not integrate it into their systems. To resolve this issue, we have exposed the Local Custom ID (selected in the Time & Action page on the Sight platform) in this API.

For more details about this change, please refer to the response body of the Get Time and Action API (Specification here).

Get Factory Risk Profile API - Expose new “Process Computed Date” field!

Sep 08th, 2022

To support our customers in retrieving the last activity date of the score for either FRP score update or risk label (both auto & manual)/configuration change, we have added a new processComputedDate field in the Get Factory Risk Profile API.

For more details about this new field, please refer to this API specification.

Metadata APIs - New “file” data type is available now!

Sep 07th, 2022

To expand the capability of the Metadata APIs, we have added a new “file” data type that allows our customers can integrate the big file data (up to 300 MB) into our system.

To use this new data type, you will need to do the below steps as the precondition:

  1. Call the File Upload Session API to request a new session with your expected file name (For more details, please see the API Specification here). Then copy the link in the uploadSession field in the response body.
  2. Call the Upload File API to upload your file to our system. The URL of this API should be the link in the uploadSession field at step 1. In the request body of this API, please use the form-data format (not raw/JSON format) and then upload your file here (For more details, please see the API Specification). Then copy the value in the fileId field from the response body to use in the Metadata API.

For more info about this new data type, please refer to the Create & Update Metadata API’s specification.

Metadata APIs - Allow special characters & spaces for the “key” field!

Aug 31st, 2022

To expand our customer’s capability to use the Metadata APIs, we now allow using the special characters & space in the key field. From now on, you can integrate any field names you want into the Inspectorio system via the Metadata APIs.

For more info, please try to explore our Metadata APIs here.

Measurement Chart & Purchase Order APIs - New field for your updated date is available now!

Aug 31st, 2022

We understand that every customer has their internal system and the data in their system will have a different updated date with the Inspectorio system. To allow our customers to integrate their system updated date into the Inspectorio system, we have added a new clientUpdatedDate field in the Measurement Chart & Purchase Order APIs.

For more details about this new field, please refer to the Measurement Chart API’s specification & Purchase Order API’s specification.

Bug fixing - Correct the data type of the “standard” field in the Get Report API to Number!

Aug 29th, 2022

The standard attribute should accept the decimal number in our system, but it was defined as an Integer in the Get Report API under the inspectionMeasurementDimensions field. To avoid incorrect data when our customers want to use this field in their calculation, we updated the data type of the field inspectionMeasurementDimensions.standard to Number now.

For more details about this change, please refer to the Get Report API’s specification.

Purchase Order APIs - Get your Local Custom ID in the response body now!

Aug 23rd, 2022

*Local Custom ID: This is the Organization ID of the Factory/Supplier/Brand/Retailer/Agency from your system. To integrate your organization into the Inspectorio system, you must create it in our system and link it with a corresponding Inspectorio organization. After that, you will see your Organization ID in the Inspection/Report on the Sight platform. For more details, please contact your Account Manager in Inspectorio.

In the past, the Local Custom ID did not show on the Get & List Purchase Order APIs, and our customers could not integrate it into their systems. To resolve this issue, we have exposed the Local Custom ID (inputted in the Create & Update Purchase Order APIs) in the Get & List Purchase Order APIs.

For more details about these new fields, please refer to the response body of the Purchase Order APIs (Specification here).

Upload big files (up to 300 MB) to the Inspectorio system!

Aug 17th, 2022

To allow our customers to upload big files (up to 300 MB) to our system, we built a new approach for uploading files using the below 2 APIs:

  1. Use the File Upload Session API to request a new session with your expected file name (For more details, please see the API Specification here).
  2. Use the Upload File API to upload your file to our system. The URL of this API should be the link in the uploadSession field at step 1. In the request body of this API, please use the form-data format (not raw/JSON format) and then upload your file here (For more details, please see the API Specification).

Metadata APIs - New namespace for grouping the Inspection data!

Aug 12th, 2022

Currently, we only have a namespace “analytics” for the Metadata APIs, but this is used for the analytics group only. To allow our customers to store the data that is used on the Inspection page, we have added a new namespace inspection in the Metadata APIs now.

For more details about this new data, please refer to the path parameter namespace in the Metadata component’s specification.

Measurement Chart APIs - Add new fields: “setId” & “source”!

Aug 02nd, 2022

From now on, the POM (Point of Measurement) data in our system can be grouped by the setId field (optional). It means 1 Style can have multiple Measurement Sets, and each Measurement Set can have multiple POMs. With this new optional field, the Measurement Charts on the Inspection will display based on the Set. If multiple sets exist in one Inspection, the same POM will be displayed multiple times. And our system will load the Measurement Chart Sets based on the available sizes of the Items in the Inspection (Please contact your Account Manager if you want more details about this feature on the Sight platform).

We also added a new source optional String field to the Measurement Chart APIs to allow our customers to integrate the source of the Measurement Chart data.

For more details about these new fields, please refer to the Measurement Chart API’s specification.

Bug fixing - Correct the data type of the “tolerance” field in the Get Report API to Number!

Jul 19th, 2022

The tolerance attribute accepts the decimal number in other APIs, but it was defined as an Integer in the Get Report API under the inspectionMeasurementDimensions field. To avoid incorrect data when our customers want to use this field in their calculation, we updated the data type of the field inspectionMeasurementDimensions.tolerance to Number now.

For more details about this new API, please refer to the Get Report API’s specification.

Get Report API - The “AQL Level” field is available now!

Jul 18th, 2022

We have now added a new aqlLevel String field (can be null) under the inspectionStandards.aql field in the Get Report API to allow our customers can retrieve this value and integrate it back into their system.

For more information, please refer to the Get Report API’s specification.

List Metadata API - New endpoint is available on the Sight API!

Jul 08th, 2022

We have now released a new method List Metadata API, for expanding the Metadata component in the Sight API. And you can only retrieve the list of metadata that is created by your organization now (the same as the other Metadata APIs).

For more details about this new API, please refer to the List Metadata API’s specification.

Metadata APIs - Increase the max length of array types!

Jul 07th, 2022

In order to allow our customers can send more than 50 items in the array types, we have now increased the max length of the array types (object, string-array, number-array, boolean-array, datetime-array, date-array, object-array) from 50 to 150 items in the request body of the Create & Update Metadata APIs. So now, you can send up to 150 values/items in each array field in the Create & Update Metadata APIs and retrieve the full data in the Get Metadata API.

For more details, please refer to the Metadata API’s specification.

Report APIs - Unequal tolerance fields are available now!

Jul 01st, 2022

We have the toleranceUpper & toleranceLower fields in the Measurement Chart APIs before, but they do not exist in other APIs. To support our customers in retrieving this data in the Report APIs, we have added these 2 Number fields in the Get & List Report APIs under the below JSON paths:

  1. List Reports API:
    • productStyles.measurements
  2. Get Reports API:
    • inspectionGeneral.productStyles.measurements
    • inspectionMeasurementDimensions

For more details about these new fields, please refer to the Report API’s specification.

File Transfer & File Import Notification - New email format for the Purchase Order resource!

Jun 09th, 2022

We have now updated the format in the email notification after uploading the Purchase Order file to help our customers understand the errors and know how to fix them more easily.

With this new format, the failed Purchase Orders will be shown at the top of the email notification in the table format with three columns below:

  • Error: The error summary.
  • Description: Details of the error and suggest how to fix the issue.
  • Affected POs/Lines: The list of failed Purchase Orders or the lines that have the failed data PO Notification Email

Delete Metadata API - New endpoint is available on the Sight API!

Jun 01st, 2022

Continue expanding the Metadata resource in the Sight API, we have now released a new method Delete Metadata API. And the same with the Get/Update Metadata APIs, you can only delete the metadata that is created by your organization now.

For more details about this new API, please refer to the Delete Metadata API’s specification.

Metadata - The Create, Update, and Get Metadata APIs are now available on the Inspectorio Sight API!

May 13th, 2022

As the need to push the dynamic data to Inspectorio from our customers is increasing, we have now extended the Sight API with the new endpoints for the Create, Update, and Get Metadata APIs. From now on, you can integrate any data from your system to Inspectorio with the dynamic key-value pairs. Your integrated data in the Metadata APIs will be used for analytics now in the Product Risk Model, Product Risk Summary page, and Product Risk Profile component. However, you can only get and update the metadata that is created by your organization now.

For more details about these new APIs, please refer to the Metadata resource’s specification.

List Assignments API - New filters for the Expected Inspection Date are available now!

May 05th, 2022

We are allowing our customers to query the Assignments in the List Assignments API now with 2 new filters: expected_inspection_date_from and expected_inspection_date_to, so that they can filter the Assignments with the Active Planned Inspections in the specified date-time range and integrate them back into their internal systems.

For more details about these new filters, please refer to the List Assignments API’s specification.

List Factory Risk Profiles API - New endpoint is available on the Sight API!

April 22nd, 2022

In order to allow our customers to quickly retrieve the latest risk score of factories within a specified date range, we have now extended the Sight API with a new method: List Factory Risk Profiles.

For more details about this new API, please refer to the List Factory Risk Profiles API’s specification.

List Assignments API - New filters for Factory Country & City are available now!

April 19th, 2022

We are allowing our customers to query the Assignments in the List Assignments API with 2 new filters: factory_country and factory_city, so that they can filter the Assignments with the expected Factory location and integrate them back into their internal systems.

For more details about these new filters, please refer to the List Assignments API’s specification.

GET Report and LIST Reports add purchaseOrders

March 25th, 2022

In order to allow clients to determine which Purchase Orders are affected whenever there are item defects, we have added a reference to the Purchase Orders made with the items in the Reports. This will help the client get a more in-depth view about an inspection.

  • API Methods: GET Report, LIST Reports
  • Attribute: purchaseOrders
  • Description: This adds purchaseOrders object to the items being inspected in GET Report and List Reports APIs. purchaseOrders allow the client to match the Purchase Orders of items in the Reports.

For more details about this new attribute, please refer to the Report API’s specification.

LIST Assignments adds filter executor_organization

March 18th, 2022

We are giving our clients the ability to query the Assignments in the List Assignments API by Inspection Executor Organization, so that they can filter the Assignments with the expected Executor Organization and integrate them back into internal internal systems.

  • API Methods: LIST Assignments
  • Filter: executor_organization
  • Description: This adds a new filter for executor_organization in the LIST Assignments API endpoint.

For more details about this new filter, please refer to the LIST Assignments API’s specification.

GET Assignment and LIST Assignments add email and employeeId

March 18th, 2022

We have added the email addresses and employee IDs of inspectors who are sent out on assignments in the Assignment API. This will enable our clients to get easily retrieve their employee infomation in case there are problems at the factory sites.

  • API Methods: GET Assignment, LIST Assignments
  • Attributes: email, employeeId
  • Description: This will add email and employeeId to the GET Assignment and LIST Assignments APIs so that the clients can easily retrieve this data and incorporate into their internal systems.

For more details about these new attributes, please refer to the Assignment API’s specification.

Integration Center now displays Integrated Files’ Sizes

February 24th, 2022

In order to help clients track their failed file uploads and understand the size of the files, we have added a new column for File Size in the Integration Center.

To see this improvement, please visit the Integration Center on Sight now.

Add new columns in the Sample of Sight Organizations of File Transfer method

July 9th, 2021

With an aim to support clients to add all information related to addresses, we now add three new columns including Organization_City Organization_Postal/Zip_Code and Organization_State/Province to the Sample of Sight Organizations of File Transfer method.

We have also changed fields Organization_City Organization_Postal/Zip_Code and Organization_State/Province to optional on Local organizations > Detail page to support suppliers and vendors who lack the information.

For more details, please refer to the examples found on this page.

Delete purchase orders created via API

May 21st, 2020

Given the unfortunate context the world is facing, a numerous amount of purchase orders have to be canceled!

Therefore, we have now extended Inspectorio SIGHT API with a new method “Delete Purchase Orders” that takes the PO Number as a parameter. Note that you can only delete purchase orders which have been created via API, and which are not referenced in any existing booking in your account.

All the details on how to use this method are available in the Delete PO API’s specification.

Transfer your measurement charts data with upper and lower tolerances!

May 15th, 2020

Inspectorio SIGHT Platform now supports the ability to determine points of measurement with different lower and upper tolerances!

We have reflected this enhancement as well in Inspectorio SIGHT File Transfer by releasing a new file format with Tolerance Upper and Tolerance Lower attributes.

You will find the updated samples in the guide Get Started with File Transfer.

Please contact [email protected] in order to activate this ability in your organization’s account of Inspectorio to fully leverage this feature.

CAPA Resource - Inspectorio SIGHT API!

February 4th, 2020

We have added the CAPA Resource on the standard Inspectorio SIGHT API to expose the ability to GET CAPA. You can now retrieve new data related to CAPA by using sight API.

For more details, please refer to the CAPA API’s specification.

Lab Testing Report Integration is ready for the Inspectorio Sight API!

November 26th, 2019

We are expanding our Inspectorio Sight API to allow for exchange of Lab Test Report data.

We are now exposing the management of Lab Test Reports (Create/Update/Delete/Get). You can see the Lab Testing Report API’s specification.

This new data will consequently help you to make more efficient decisions, such as when to waive an inspection booking. If you have any questions, please reach out to us at [email protected].

Allowing multiple Product Line IDs per PO for Inspectorio SIGHT File Transfer

November 14th, 2019

We are expanding our Inspectorio SIGHT File Transfer capabilities for purchase orders to allow multiple product lines per PO.

This update enables you to send multiple Product Line IDs for a single Purchase Order. It will be released by November 22th.

This new enhancement provides you with even more flexibility on how you send PO data into Inspectorio SIGHT.

If you have any questions, please reach out to us at [email protected].

Webhooks are here for the Inspectorio SIGHT API!

November 8th, 2019

Log in to account of Inspectorio SIGHT Platform as an Admin or Account Owner in order to access the new webhooks feature within the Configuration tab in the header.

You can create webhooks to receive real-time HTTP notifications of changes to specific events that happen in your platform. This enables you to set up automatic responses to Inspectorio SIGHT events.

We have implemented the first version of webhooks on Inspectorio SIGHT with 2 events in Inspection component: Report - An Inspection report is uploaded and Report - An Inspection report file is ready to view. We will release more events for webhooks in future updates.

A webhook is a way to scan your data in Inspectorio to see if there is any data change on the platform. You will still need to get your report by API. But at the same time, you can track when an event occurs by using 1 single webhook.

You can also consult our new Webhooks guide for further explanation.

New fields on Booking, Assignment, and Report resources - Inspectorio SIGHT API

October 22th, 2019

We have added 4 new packing fields to the Booking, Assignment, and Report resources for the Get and List methods.

Using solids.availableQuantity, solids.availableCartonQuantity, assortments.availableQuantity, and assortments.availableCartonQuantity, you can now retrieve your packing data related to both available quantity and order quantity via Inspectorio SIGHT API.

In addition, we also added a new field to the Booking and Assignment resources for Get and List methods.

Using remark, you can now retrieve any comment in the Remark field of your bookings and assignments via Inspectorio SIGHT API.

For more details, please refer to the API specifications.

New SFTP File Transfer method

October 11th, 2019

We have enabled the support of Secured File Transfer Protocol in order to enable more clients to integrate more effectively with Inspectorio!

You can now configure your File Transfer storage service provided by Inspectorio with an SFTP server on CyberDuck and FileZilla apps.

If you have any questions or if are interested in switching your integration method to use SFTP, please reach out to us at [email protected].

New authentication logic: API key - Inspectorio SIGHT API

October 1th, 2019

You can now use an API Key to make the integration between Inspectorio APIs and your server easier.

Inspectorio’s API Keys are unique, random, and non-guessable. API Keys that are generated by Inspectorio use alphanumeric, special characters and they don’t expire unless removed.

You manage your API Keys within the Inspectorio SIGHT Platform, accessible via web browser. An Admin or Account Owner of your organization on the Inspectorio SIGHT Platform has access to create and manage API Keys under your configuration tab.

You can also consult our new API key guide for more information.

2 new fields on the Assignment resource - Inspectorio SIGHT API

September 16, 2019

We have added 2 new fields to the Assignment resource for the Assignment List and Assignment Detail methods.

Using assignedToInspector and assignedToOrganization, you can retrieve new data related to the Inspector and the Organization or Sub Organization assigned to the inspection.

For more details, please refer to the Assignment’s specifications.

New Developer Portal URL with Fresh Look and Feel

September 9, 2019

Our Developer Portal has been redesigned from top to bottom to be more modern, clean, and simple for users like you. It is now easier for you to find information.

Note that we have updated the URLs of some pages. The new homepage for Inspectorio SIGHT is

If you have any questions or comments about the changes, please feel free to reach out to [email protected].

New shareToIds field – Inspectorio SIGHT API

August 30, 2019

We have added the optional shareToIds field to the Purchase Order resource of the standard Inspectorio SIGHT API. This includes List Purchase Orders, Create Purchase Order, Get Purchase Order, and Update Purchase Order. By adding one or more Local Organization IDs into this new shareToIds field, you can share your PO directly to these other organizations. The shareToIds field can only be used to share your POs with other associated organizations; you can request to associate to another organization within the Inspectorio SIGHT Platform. The shareToIds field can be blank.

For example, suppose that you want to integrate a PO that has two Vendors. Now, you can add one of the Vendor’s Local Organization ID into the vendorId field and also add the other Vendor’s Local Organization ID into the shareToIds field. Both organizations will be able to see the PO when they log into the Inspectorio SIGHT Platform.

New Excel formats enabled for Inspectorio SIGHT File Transfer

July 19, 2019

We have expanded our Inspectorio SIGHT File Transfer support for measurement charts (POMs) and purchase orders (POs) to include Excel format (extensions .xls and .xlsx) in addition to the currently supported .csv format. Now, you have more options for easily structuring measurement chart and purchase order data into an acceptable format.

New poType field and Brand Resource - Inspectorio SIGHT API

June 27, 2019

We have added the optional poType field to the Purchase Order resource of the standard Inspectorio SIGHT API. The poType value must match the pre-configured PO Type list in the platform, or poType can be nulled from the API request if it is not applicable.

We have added the Brand Resource to the standard Inspectorio SIGHT API. This includes GET List Brands, POST Create Brand, DELETE Delete Brand, GET Get Brand, and PUT Update Brand. Now, you can pre-configure your list of Brands via API prior to sending Purchase Orders. Please note that you will manage the list one Brand per API request, instead of sending the entire list in one request.

New Endpoint URLs - Inspectorio SIGHT API

June 20, 2019

We have updated the URLs of our Inspectorio SIGHT API endpoints. In order to expand our product suite effectively, we have renamed ALL existing API endpoints to be specific to Inspectorio SIGHT, our quality control and compliance product.

To give you time to accommodate the change affecting every Inspectorio SIGHT API resource, we will support the current Inspectorio SIGHT API endpoint URLs for only 6 more months, until December 17th, 2019. At this date, we will only accept the new Inspectorio SIGHT API endpoint URLs moving forward.

You can see all of the new Production and Pre-Production URLs on the Inspectorio SIGHT API Reference page on Inspectorio Developers here. Note that we have deprecated Staging API endpoints because Staging is not used.

Here is what’s changing for Production URLs: The prefix has changed to

Here is what’s changing for Pre-Production URLs: The prefix has changed to

Points of Measurement (POM) Error Messages - Inspectorio SIGHT File Transfer

May 14, 2019

Hi everyone,

We have updated the File Transfer Errors page by adding error codes and descriptions for points of measurement (POM) data integration through File Transfer. Now, when you upload POMs through File Transfer Error Messages, you’ll receive error codes that you can look up for more information.

You will see these new codes and descriptions via email if you are configured to receive your organization’s File Transfer notifications.

These codes and descriptions will enable you to troubleshoot quickly and independently to resolve File Transfer Integration issues for POMs.

Integration Center - New Inspectorio SIGHT Platform Feature

April 25, 2019

Hi everyone, we have released a feature in the Inspectorio SIGHT Platform: the Integration Center! The Integration Center allows users within your organization to view the logs of your organization’s integration history. No action is needed by integration developers to see the Integration Center logs.

For this first release, users within the web platform can see logs of purchase order integration. This feature makes it easier for users to troubleshoot data discrepancy issues that arise in their purchase orders. They will be able to work on solutions proactively to get the data they need!

Users can find the Integration Center within the Inspectorio SIGHT Platform, under their Profile menu in the top right corner.

Integration Center

File Transfer Validation Logic for Points of Measurement

April 5, 2019

Hi everyone, we are planning to release enhancements to the File Transfer service for Points of Measurement (POM) logic. These will make sure that POM data is structured correctly when using File Transfer integration. These changes have minimal impact on existing logic.

We plan to release these validation enhancements by Monday, April 22, 2019 to give time for any adjustments or clarifications.

This logic refers to the “Multiple Style POM” file format, a sample of which you can find here.

  1. Within each Style, each POM Code must still be unique. To further ensure this data consistency, we have added validations to check that within each Style, each POM Code must contain the same Caption, Tolerance, Size, and Unit in every row within which it appears. Please note that if the same POM Code appears in more than one Style, then the POM Code information can be different from Style to Style.

  2. We are now supporting many special characters and multiple languages within POM data. However, we will not support #, ?, nor %.

  3. Missing column headers, as well as blank or invalid fields, will throw errors.

File Transfer Validation Logic for Purchase Orders

March 23, 2019

We are planning to release four enhancements to the File Transfer service Purchase Order validation logic. These enhancements will ensure data quality and integrity across the inspection flow and throughout the entire platform network.

To give you ample time to adjust your data integration if necessary, we plan to release these validation enhancements by Monday, April 8th, 2019.

  1. Shipment_Date: This field can be blank, but if it is not blank, then it must follow DateTime format: for example, 2019-06-03T20:15:01Z.
  2. Packing_Type: The available options for this field (previously “SOLID” and “ASSORTMENT”) are now case insensitive, so “Solid” and “Assortment” are now acceptable.
  3. Packing_Type_ID: This must have the same Order_Carton_Quantity value for every line in a PO.
  4. For Solid cartons, Case_Pack and Order_Quantity fields, and for Assortment cartons, Configuration, Order_Carton_Quantity fields: If used, these four fields must be an Integer greater than or equal to 1. For example, “1”, “1.0”, and “2” are ok, but “0”, “1.1” and “-2” are not ok.
    • Solid Case_Pack must be Integer >= 1
    • Solid Order_Quantity must be Integer >= 1
    • Assortment Configuration must be Integer >= 1
    • Assortment Order_Carton_Quantity must be Integer >= 1

Removing the Associated Organization Resource - Inspectorio SIGHT API

March 21, 2019

We have removed the Associated Organization resource from the Inspectorio SIGHT API service, so it is no longer possible to associate organizations together via integration. The associations among organizations will now be handled exclusively within the web platform user interface by Account Owners and Admins of your account.

Inspectorio Inspectorio SIGHT is a network platform with more and more active partners. Consolidating the responsibility of associating organizations ensures that data sharing complies with users’ expectations.

Show the Inspection Result Method - Inspectorio SIGHT API

March 20, 2019

We have added a Read method for the Report resource on the Inspectorio SIGHT API, to show the result of a particular inspection.

Error Message Restructuring - File Transfer

March 20, 2019

We have updated the error messaging and structure in the File Transfer Integration notification emails. Doing this made errors easier to understand and troubleshoot.

File Transfer Errors Page

March 5, 2019

We have updated the File Transfer integration error codes and added a new page to the Inspectorio Developers Portal explaining the errors.

If you are configured to receive email notifications for File Transfers, then soon you may see errors with codes like E3002 along with a brief message. If you need more information about error codes, then you can find the full list of File Transfer error codes and explanations on the File Transfer Errors page. You can also reach out to [email protected] if you still have questions!

Inspection Report Photos - Inspectorio SIGHT API

February 22, 2019

We have added an inspection photos field to the Read Report methods on the Inspectorio SIGHT API, to enable users to view all photos taken during an inspection on a URL.

Assignment Resource - Inspectorio SIGHT API

February 21, 2019

We have created an Assignment resource on the Inspectorio SIGHT API with methods to Read assignments from the platform.

Integration Notification Look & Feel - File Transfer

February 15, 2019

We have enhanced the File Transfer Integration notification emails to match the Inspectorio branding and look & feel.

Subscribe to Announcements Form

February 1, 2019

We have added a “Subscribe” form to the Developers Portal. Subscribing enables users to hear about announcements describing updates to the Inspectorio integration layers.

Measurement Resource - Inspectorio SIGHT API

January 1, 2019

We have created a Measurement resource on the Inspectorio SIGHT API to expose the ability to Create, Read, and Update measurement charts (POMs).

Brand in Purchase Order Items - Inspectorio SIGHT API

December 28, 2018

We have added the brand field into the Inspectorio SIGHT API methods for the Purchase Order resource. This included the brandId and brandName fields for items packed as either Solid or Assortments.

OPO Number - File Transfer

December 18, 2018

We have added the OPO_Number (Own Purchase Order) field into the File Transfer schema for purchase orders as an additional identifier for POs.

New Measurements Format - File Transfer

November 27, 2018

We have expanded our File Transfer support for measurement charts (POMs) to include another file format. Now, you have two options for structuring measurement data into an acceptable format.

Booking Questionnaire Fields - Inspectorio SIGHT API

October 23, 2018

We have included the Booking questionnaire as fields available in the Read methods for the Booking resource in the Inspectorio SIGHT API. You can now receive the configuration and answers of custom Booking questionnaire questions.

Brand ID on File Transfer Schema - File Transfer

October 23, 2018

We have added the Brand_ID field into the File Transfer schema for purchase orders, to match the addition of the Brand fields in the web platform.

Accepting New Shipment Date Formatting - File Transfer

October 23, 2018

We have enabled the support of a new date format for File Transfer integration: of the form M/DD/YYYY HH:mm:ss p. Ex: 8/22/2018 12:00:00 AM.

Organization Resource - Inspectorio SIGHT API

October 23, 2018

We have added the ability to Create, Read, and Update methods on organizations on the Inspectorio SIGHT API.

Location Fields to Organizations - Inspectorio SIGHT API

October 23, 2018

We have added more location fields to the Organization resource in the Inspectorio SIGHT API for the Create, Read, and Update methods, including the address and country fields as required.

Case Pack - File Transfer

October 23, 2018

We have added the Case_Pack field into the File Transfer schema for purchase orders, as a way to show how many pieces are packed in a Solid carton.

Associated Organizations Methods (Deprecated) - Inspectorio SIGHT API

September 20, 2018

We have added a method to the Inspectorio SIGHT API to allow the creation of associations between two organizations (this has been removed as of April 2019).

Allowing Multiple Product Categories per Style - File Transfer

September 6, 2018

We have removed the File Transfer validation to now allow more than one product category ID for one style in a purchase order. Previously, each style within a PO was required to have one product category only.

Case Pack Support - Inspectorio SIGHT API

July 9, 2018

We have included a new optional field in the Purchase Order method called casePackQuantity. The Case Pack Quantity refers to the number of items per carton in a PO.
The inclusion of this information at the time of creating POs allows vendors and/or factories submitting bookings to input the correct Case Pack Quantity at the moment of booking. The mobile version of this feature will allow us to optimize sample selection and provide auditor users with more nuanced information at the time of inspection to verify, for example, the number of available cartons at the factory.

The casePackQuantity field can be found in the Purchase Order method under solids which itself is under styles. Find the full request body schema for creating a Purchase Order here.